A hot drink to face the cold weather

At SHIGETA PARIS, we believe that taking care of your inner health is just as crucial as outer beauty. In fact, the two are closely linked.

To face the cold season, we present to you a new recipe that will surely become your favorite winter drink! Made with apple juice and spices, it reminds us of Christmas and will make you nostalgic for winters spent warm under the duvet.

What are the benefits of goji berries?
Goji berries, rich in vitamin C, strengthen the immune system. They also stimulate the production of white blood cells thanks to the polysaccharides they contain.

What are the benefits of drinking hot drinks?
Hot drinks allow the body to assimilate nutrients more efficiently. Plus, in winter, they have an undeniable comforting and warming factor!


      • 300 ml of apple juice
      • 1 star anise
      • A cinnamon stick or a pinch of cinnamon powder
      • 5 wolfberries

Pour the apple juice in a pot. Add the rest of the ingredients to it. Simply heat the mixture for 20 minutes without boiling.

All you have to do is curl up in your blanket, take out your favorite book and enjoy!


Find other recipe ideas in CHICO SHIGETA’s book

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